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After the last summer Olympics (summer of 2000) I came to the realization that at the age of 52, if I ever wanted to participate in an athletic event like a marathon, I had better get started. I joined the Aspen Hill Health Club to start toning up and loosing weight in preparation for running a marathon. I had no idea about what marathon I would run, just that I needed to start preparing for one. My trainer at Aspen Hill, suggested that I start with just a cardiovascular workout for a month and after that we would add some weight training. When I started my workouts, I weighed 215 pounds and was definitely out of shape. I started my exercise program by splitting my workout between a cross-trainer (15-20 minutes) and a treadmill (40-45 minutes). My initial cross-trainer difficulty setting was 5 (out of 20) and I ran 1.9 miles. On the treadmill, my initial speed was 3.7 miles per hour and I ran 1.25 miles. In December 2000, weight training was added to my exercise routine. My weight training included 11 pieces of equipment for legs, arms, back, and abdominal muscles. The initial exercise routine was to perform 2 sets of 12 repetitions on each piece of equipment. In February 2001, I saw an advertisement for the AIDS Marathon Training program. Choosing to participate in the AIDS Marathon was easy when I saw that it was for a great cause and it came with a training program. The AIDS Marathon training program started in May, 2001 and required three runs a week. Two of the runs were on my own and must be for a minimum of 30 minutes. The third run was with my AIDS Marathon pace group and was held on the weekends. The pace group runs started at a length of 3 miles and went up to a full length marathon trial of 26.2 miles.

I ran the AIDS Marathon in Dublin, Ireland in 2001 and the Marine Corps Marathon last two years. I ran the DC marathon in March, 2002. I have signed up for the AIDS Marathon Trainting Program again and hope to maintain my pace of 12.5 minutes per mile. This year I am performing my weight training on the same days as my two maintenance runs. For each weight training session I perform, I lift over 38,000 pounds. Each year I run more than 500 miles during the training for the AIDS Marathon. I do keep a record of my training progress and will provide more of it as time permits. Here is a quick summary of my current status for the 2004 AIDS Marathon:
  1. The longest distance run in one workout is 10 miles
  2. My weights routine is up to 3 sets of 10 repetitions
  3. The heaviest weight I lift is 305 pounds
  4. My current weight is 208 pounds
  5. I am running at a pace of 5.0 miles per hour on the treadmill
  6. The total distance I have run in training is 40 miles.

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