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The first set of sponsor premiums is promotion space on my training and workout shirts for your name and/or Logo. The image below shows examples of the relative sizes of the different premiums within the space available on a T-shirt. A $10 sponsorship may request a 4 square inch space (blue examples) and is for names only. A $25 sponsorship may request a 10 square inch space (green examples) which can hold names and logos. Any sizes up to a banner size can be requested in increments of 10 square inches for each $25 donated. The orange example is 20 square inches for a sponsorship of $50. The purple example is 40 square inches for a sponsorship of $100. A sponsorship of $370 may request a banner which is 375 square inches on the front and back of the shirt. The promotion space may have any rectangular shape and may be placed anywhere on the shirt. Please Sponsor Me Now and e-mail me (schreurs@splatdog.com) the name and logo you want printed on the shirt.

T-shirt Layout

Select the Print Premiums Page and use the print button to print a copy of the sponsor premiums page.

Last updated on 08/04/07 Site Hosting Donated by