The City Choir of Washington, led by Grammy winner Robert Shafer, is presenting its fourth season
of great choral masterpieces. The chorus was launched in 2007-2008 to great excitement and
critical acclaim by a group of singers who wanted to continue building the legacy of excellence
that Mr Shafer's name represents in choral music, both on the local and national stage. This
year's season represents the Maestro's 41st in the greater Washington area.
This chorus represents an extraordinary level of personal commitment by individual singers and
supporters, who have donated countless hours of their time and talents, as well as remarkable
generosity in actual dollars. It has been an honor for my wife Susan to be a founding member, and
to be part of the artistic vision it represents.
Music is essential now as much as ever. In times of stress and worry, finding ways to rise above
and reach for beauty are even more important to community and well being. This newly formed
chorus is bursting with ideas to foster interest and involvement in choral music. An outreach
chorus has been presenting programs at schools, nursing homes, and other locations where
live music is a cherished treat. In addition, this chorus provides opportunities to children's
and young adult's choirs to perform in a professional setting.
We all realize that these are tough times to raise money for any worthy cause. Arts organizations
are particularly vulnerable because rarely do ticket sales actually cover production costs. NEW
arts organizations are especially in need of individual donors, as most grant donations go only
to organizations which have a track record, and staying power of several years.
"She sings, he runs" For a third season, because Susan and I
wish to support The City Choir of Washington together, we are combining our "slogan" as a joint
request for your support. I have committed to several endurance events in 2010 (the Disney World Goofy
Challenge, the Cherry Blossom 10 Mile race, and the Breast Cancer 3-Day walk). Susan has committed
to making "Soldier Quilts" to be given to wounded soldiers. For every $500 donated through
"Champion the City Choir of Washington," Susan will make a quilt for our wounded soldiers. If
you would like to sponsor a quilt in your name, make a $200 donation and
e-mail me a note to let Susan
and I know that you are sponsoring a quilt.
Please Champion the City Choir of Washington by sending a check made out to "The City Choir of
Washington" to:
Champion the City Choir of Washington
C/O Stephen Schreurs
Post Office Box 745
Olney, MD 20832-0745
The City Choir of Washington's first and second seasons were stunning successes. Their third
season is shaping up to be at least as exciting. Please be a champion for us.
Champion CCW
Goal = $2,000