The AIDS Marathon is held in several locations within the United States and in Dublin, Ireland
to help raise funds for the fight against AIDS. I have chosen to run in the AIDS Marathon
because AIDS is the worst epidemic the earth has seen since the Black Plague. On March 14, 2005
the CDC published the 2003 Surveillance Report on AIDS. I have created a
summary table or you can look at the
whole report. Based upon this report, AIDS
has claimed the lives of more than 524,000 Americans with more than 5,300 of the deaths being
children under the age of 15.
Despite recent advances in medical treatment, the AIDS epidemic is far from over.
Fund raising for the AIDS Marathon program helps men, women, and children with AIDS lead longer
and better lives. I would run 100 miles to extend the life of a child one day.
This will be my fifth year of running for the AIDS Marathon and the need for your support is
greater than ever. I feel so strongly about this that I have increased my commitment to help
you get more satisfaction from your generosity. I have created a running team that will help
other people achieve their goal of completing a marathon and raising funds to fight AIDS. This
creates a win, win, win opportunity. The people with AIDS win from your support, the runners
win by achieving a life changing goal, and you win by performing an extraordinary deed of
kindness. Click here to learn more about the running team.
In addition, my son Brian and I will be taking a 7,000 mile motorcycle ride (ocean to ocean
and back) this spring to raise money for our two causes. His cause is Cooper's Rock Mountain
Lion Sanctuary in West Virginia. We have created a web site for this trip where you can follow
our progress and donate to either AIDS Marathon or the Mountain Lion Sanctuary or both. You
can follow this link to the Motorcycle Trip web site.
I am asking you to please help us reach our fundraising goals by becoming a sponsor
for me or for the running team or
for the Mountain Lion Sanctuary.
The thermometer to the right shows the current status of my sponsorship level. You may follow my
training progress by clicking on the My Training Info. link.
Goal = $1,700